In a wildly optimistic move Flavia and I have joined the local gymnasium. It's called Energy Fitness. This is precisely the opposite of how I feel just now, having just come home from my first cycle class. It's called ICE. I want the job of coming up with those names.
Gym class namer is second on my list of top jobs, closely following the best ever job which is the guy who provides the film-ratings, at the office of film and literature classification, Australia. If you've ever gone to a movie in Australia, you will see the sign "This film is yet to be classified, check closer to release" which is fine, until you realise you're watching this sign in the movie, so what is the office actually doing? Seriously. Look at the site's icon - looks exactly like someone poking their tongue out. It is also obvious that I'm not the only one thinking along these lines - "how can I get a job as a member of the OFLC?" is one of the frequently asked questions!
Nonetheless, in the absence of a rush of requests to come up with names in the key of pump, or offers to completely fail to classify a film before release, I continue to seek improved health by running and cycling and generally swearing away each evening. Nobody here is kidding themselves that we will (or will want to) look like those guys. Nobody. Right? Right. Flavia has said to me "Don't kill yourself, just take it easy" but of course, I am completely suckered by the chappy who is at the front of the class pedaling like some sort of manic DJ courier dude, talking through a PA-system while the whumpa-whumpa music blasts out. And I'm thinking to myself, yeah, he's saying make it harder for yourself, I can do that. I can. Do. That. . .. I. Think. I. Will. Be. Just. A. Little. Bit. Sick. Now.
We shall see how things progress.