Aug 8, 2009

Once in a thousand years, half a dozen times!

On the Friday, the 7th of August, was one of those freaky time-and-date moments that we seem to be hitting repeatedly now that the calendar year has integers in it. At 12:34:56, 07-08-09, the numbers of the time (12 hours 34 minutes and 56 seconds) and date (7-8-9) formed the counting sequence.

Curiously, if we chose to write the time as YY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS.T (T being in tenths of a second), then we also got: 9-8-7 6-54-32.1, and that we got twice on Friday. (morning and evening).

One of the best references is here. Which is written with the view of writing dates MM-DD-YY, so the 7-8-9 was actually the 8'th of July... If you like sinister red fiery numbers then this is the place for you. And for Unix, which counts the time in seconds since 1970, the event 1234567890 passed last Feb, 2009. (It didn't take many seconds to get to 123456789 which passed a long time ago). Yeah, I'm a pedant.

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